Oswal Transformers Private Limited established in April 1992 is one of the largest transformer manufacturers in India with the longest history, the largest scale and the most advanced technology. After more than 27 years development, the group with the ability to design and manufacture transformers of the highest voltage level, the largest capacity and DC converter transformers has become the international base for the manufacturing, researching, developing and exporting various types of transformers. The technique and technology of the company has come to the domestic leading position and represents the highest level of the transformer industry leading the way transformer industry development in India. An ISO 9001:2008 company today, Oswal Transformers as it is more popularly known, is proud to have executed a number of prestigious orders from almost all the state electricity board of India.
The capability to develop world class power, distribution, furnace and specialty transformers is credited to the creation of a world class infrastructure at Jaipur one of the leading industrialized cities of India. This facility is equipped with world class state of the art equipment and managed by a high skilled and experienced team of production personnel who consistently ensure that each and every production activity factors in an adherence to the high quality benchmarks established by the organization.
A Value Based Organisation:As one of India's leading transformer manufacturing companies, and one that is held in high esteem even by our competitors, a great deal of relevance is attached to living up to our image as a value based organization. We are an ethically responsible company, operate with transparency, validate commitment and sincerity, both vertically and horizontally across the organization and inculcate a spirit of integrity. We also try and extend these values to our business associates; be it vendors or our valued customers.